BPS: Brain Positioning System- Amy Shelton

NSF Science Nation September 13, 2010

Keeping better track of yourself and your keys

Imagine if getting lost became a thing of the past. Even the common search for lost keys would no longer seem like a lost cause. Well, cognitive psychologist Amy Shelton of Johns Hopkins University is doing research that might help us keep track of ourselves, as well as our things. “What we’re trying to study is when you get around in the world and in your day-to-day environments, how is it that you learn them,” she explains. With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Shelton is exploring some of the ins and outs of our brains’ navigation system.

On the day Science Nation visited, we found Shelton at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. This is where she comes to examine the brains of people willing to spend time learning their way through a virtual world that is projected on a small screen. They also have to lie still within the confines of an MRI while their brain blood flow is analyzed. Today, one of Shelton’s research associates, Scott Clark, is the one willing to have his head examined, so Shelton can demonstrate one of her experiments.

“He’s watching a movie of …